November 17, 2018
November 17, 2018

L-R: Wall Drawing #958 (detail), Wall Drawing #915, Wall Drawing #1005 at Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, 2008
Editor Lindsay Aveilhé and Director of Research Chris Vacchio will participate in LeWitt x10 on November 17, 2018, a full day of events at MASS MoCA in celebration of the 10 year anniversary of Sol LeWitt: A Wall Drawing Retrospective. Aveilhé and Vacchio will give lectures on the role of the drafter in LeWitt's wall drawings for the symposium "The Machine That Makes the Art?: Interpretation, Collaboration, and Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawings" at 11 a.m. The symposium will also include Susan Cross, Anna Lovatt, Charles W. Haxthausen, Anna Lovatt, and Veronica Roberts. In the afternoon, Aveilhé and Vacchio will demonstrate the recently published Sol LeWitt Wall Drawings Catalogue Raisonné.
Determined by the Drafter: Collaboration within Reason
Lindsay Aveilhé
The framework LeWitt devised for his wall drawing practice in 1968 was based on key tenets found in his “Paragraphs on Conceptual Art” (1967), such as the primacy of idea over material and the use of pre-set plans. However, unlike LeWitt’s earlier works, the wall drawings relied on a somewhat precarious chain of events for their genesis, including interpretation by a drafter. This talk will look at the “Determined by the drafter” works to illustrate how LeWitt addressed the collaborative role of the drafter in his wall drawings.
Studio on Site: LeWitt's Drafters as Collaborators
Chris Vacchio
This talk will track the increasing professionalization of the wall drawings’ drafters from the late 1970s on. LeWitt’s transition from written instructions to drawn plans lessened the room for interpretation, but necessitated a greater degree of collaboration, as his assistants developed and refined specific techniques to install his wall drawings. This group of trusted assistants also acted as extensions of LeWitt’s ethos at installations, reporting back to him and helping translate his concepts into physical form.
Please visit MASS MoCA's website for additional details and the full schedule of events.
North Adams, MA 01247